Thursday, October 11, 2012

Life got in the way...

I had every intention of not only giving a thank-you to those who supported Teal4MyMom at the Teal Ribbon walk in Indianapolis, but to update the available jewelry and reminisce about my mom, but life got in the way.

Busy at work, out of town last weekend, then I got sick. I promise I will do it as soon as I can.

All jewelry pieces pictured on blog posts dated on or after June 23, 2012 are available for order. Every jewelry piece is hand-crafted and no two pieces are exactly the same. Custom orders are accepted. Prices are negotiable--50% of the proceeds is used to buy more jewelry making materials and 50% is donated to an ovarian cancer organization. Email me at for order requests! RIP Rita Ann 7/1/2001

Thursday, September 27, 2012

When it isn't so easy

I want to write about the last day I spent with my mother, but I think that would be better left for another day. It's important to see all aspects, and I haven't talked about the times it's been really, really hard.

Was it hard when my mom went through her chemo? Yes. Was it hard when she had her surgeries? Yes. Was it hard when the cancer came back after remission? Yes. But the first really, really hard part was when she asked me to go with her to pick out a coffin. When we were growing up, as I'm sure all young children do, we asked questions about death. Sometimes it was related to our parents' mortality, though I can't remember why. Their responses were something along the lines that they would live forever.

At 19, I had long since given up that rose-colored notion. But, I wasn't ready to face such a harsh reality of helping to choose my mother's coffin. The box she would lay in when she was dead, which if you're out choosing one like you're picking out a TV or a refrigerator, is probably imminent. Looking back, I don't think my mother was ready for that harsh reality, either, but it wasn't one she could hide from. She was probably scared and angry and sad, exponentially more than I was.

Yet, I hid. I refused to go coffin shopping. It is one of my biggest regrets. I wish I had just gone with her, to ease a little of the pain she was going through. But I was 19 and going through my own pain. Not exactly the best excuse, but it's the truth.

Since her death, there have been other times that it's been really, really hard. A random car ride where it hit me that she wouldn't be around to see my siblings grow up or be there for my siblings' graduations or our weddings or the birth of her grandchildren, and I sobbed with rage. The months after my separation from my ex-husband when I realized I had never allowed myself to grieve, and relied on him to survive each day. I had to mourn not only the loss of my marriage, but my mother--four years after the fact.

The most recent was at a drag show for a close friend's bachelorette party (humor me for a second!). One of the other bachelorettes in attendance had her mother with her, and said mother was visibly appalled at the entire spectacle. I ached at the thought that I had never had that opportunity to be adults with my mom: to share with her something she may also be appalled at, but knowing that she was there with me anyway, peers at least in spirit.

I may have had regrets, bitterness and a time of rediscovering my self-sufficient survival, but it's not always really, really bad. In fact, as I sat distressing at the drag show, it got better. The VERY next song they performed was one that I played for my mom when she was in the hospital just before she passed. It has always reminded me of her, and my dad and I danced to it at my wedding when I married my amazing (current) husband. It was as if my mom was there with me, at least in spirit, and possibly appalled.

All pieces pictured on blog posts dated on or after June 23, 2012 are available for order. Every piece is hand-crafted and no two pieces are exactly the same. Custom orders are accepted. Prices are negotiable--50% of the proceeds is used to buy more beading materials and 50% is donated to an ovarian cancer organization. Email me at for order requests! RIP Rita Ann 7/1/2001

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What does it mean to be strong?

I never really thought of myself as out-of-the-ordinary or any stronger that the next person. I mean, I'm far from a superhero. This goes double for when I was in high school. Senior retreat made me ask, "What does it mean to be strong?"

Let me digress...I attended a private, Catholic high school, and each year they held a senior retreat for four days for the graduating class. Obviously, not the entire class, though ours was pretty small at a whopping 98 students. They held several sessions and we signed up to go on one. Several of my close friends went on the same retreat as I did, as well as many people I attended elementary school with, many people I didn't know hardly at all and a few people I just plain didn't like. I can't really go into detail about the retreat, as it is a unique event that should be experienced without being skewed by someone else's version.

Some of my classmates knew about my mother having cancer, but not all, as some of them hardly knew me, either. At one point, I shared that aspect of my life with the group. Later that day as I sat in my room doing something unmemorable, one of my classmates that I only knew by name stopped by my room. I thought she was there to see my roommate, but she was there to talk to me. She shared with me that she was sorry that my mom was sick, because she didn't know what she would do if she lost her mom. To go up to someone you have no prior relationship with and be so open took so much strength. We had a nice talk about how I dealt with it and how it had changed my life at home/my relationship with my mom.

Toward the end of the retreat, I saw another classmate get up to share with the group. This particular classmate was one with whom I went to school since first grade. She was one of the popular kids, and I most definitely was not. There were quite a few times growing up that I would get upset/angry/embarrassed/etc about something she had done or said to me/about me. I just plain didn't like her.

She shared with the group that she felt I was incredibly strong for going through what I was with my mom's cancer. I was shocked. Floored. Almost without words (notice I said almost). Shortly after, I got up and said that she was also strong for being able to say that, given how much I thought she hated me. We actually hugged, and a mutual respect for each other came about from the retreat. I will never forget how she made me feel for all those years, but there comes a time to be show strength of character and put it behind you.

After we were done with the retreat, we were taken back to the school where our parents came to pick us up. I had been thinking quite a bit about all these people who had told me I was strong. I was just living...I wasn't doing anything special. I didn't choose for my mom to have ovarian cancer, but I had to play the hand I was dealt. So, what made me so strong that people would tell me, privately and publicly, how much they admired me for it?

I realized it was my mom that gave me my strength. I was only living, but she was not only living, she was LIVING, and that in itself required a great deal of strength. The way I was able to persevere was by watching how she maintained her faith and positivity through her illness. When my mom and dad picked me up, I made a point of telling her how much she inspired me and how much I respected and loved her. It meant so much to her and we both had a touching moment together.

More than ten years later, having now lost her, each day I keep living, and I still draw strength from how she lived all the way up to her last day. Hopefully I can pass on a small part of that strength to my children someday.

**EDIT: soooo sorry about the wall of text. I forgot to put line breaks in. Fixed now!

All pieces pictured on blog posts dated on or after June 23, 2012 are available for order. Every piece is hand-crafted and no two pieces are exactly the same. Custom orders are accepted. Prices are negotiable--50% of the proceeds is used to buy more beading materials and 50% is donated to an ovarian cancer organization. Email me at for order requests! RIP Rita Ann 7/1/2001

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


There are days, believe it or not, that I wonder if what I do is worth it. Once I make and sell my pieces, I don't know where they go or what they do. Do they raise the awareness I crafted them to, or do they end up at the bottom of a jewelry box? I'm also missing the one person for whom I do my advocacy: my mother. It creates such a vastly open-ended endeavor. I very rarely get to see the fruits of my labor, so when I do it is incredibly rewarding and affirming.

I came home today to find a box on my front porch. My first thought was that my husband had been shopping on Amazon again. But, when I went to bring it inside, I saw that it was addressed to both of us, from a friend and her husband. Being the impatient person that I am, I had to open it immediately.

I got the tape cut apart, all the while trying to figure out what could be inside. They had just recently gotten married, so I wracked my brain to remember if we had forgotten something at the reception by accident. When I finally opened the box, I was even more confused. "I don't think these are our blankets" I thought to myself, still in the mindset of having left something behind at their wedding.

I pulled out the teal and purple blanket, to see if there was a note stuck inside or at the bottom of the box. It wasn't until I saw the the realization of what I had in my hands struck me. It was a return on my investment into ovarian cancer awareness. I'm not entirely certain why she made custom-designed throw blankets for us, but the weight of the gesture was intense. For her, it may have been just another embroidery on another blanket, but to me it means quite a bit more. It means what I do isn't all for naught. It means continuing my work IS worth it. It also means I'm never have to be cold at another 6:30 a.m. event again!

All pieces pictured on blog posts dated on or after June 23, 2012 are available for order. Every piece is hand-crafted and no two pieces are exactly the same. Custom orders are accepted. Prices are negotiable--50% of the proceeds is used to buy more beading materials and 50% is donated to an ovarian cancer organization. Email me at for order requests! RIP Rita Ann 7/1/2001

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Strides for Hope 2012 and Another Mom Story

Another successful event in Columbus for OCAO!

I was able to donate $126.50 to their cause (50% of my proceeds rather than the 25% they requested to participate in the event) thanks to the many wonderful people I met at my booth. Contributions were made by:

And several others who contributed to my supplementary venture which will be revealed at the end of the month. Let's just say that there were quite a few people who enjoyed using teal hairspray, teal fingernail polish and lengths of teal ribbons.

Additionally, I think the "in memory" posts will be a weekly Sunday thing, at least through September, and possibly longer if I have enough to keep writing about. Not that 19 years with my mom wasn't enough to write weekly blogs on, but it will depend on how good my memory is.

I had wanted to write about the hat in church and the retreat closing. I'll go with the hat in church story, because the last story was sorta sad and the retreat closing is happy, but in a make-you-cry kind of way. The hat in church story is funny, or at least we were able to laugh about it afterward.

As my mom was going through her chemo, she chose to wear either a hat/turban or a wig after she lost her hair. I told her, "If Sinead O'Connor can rock a bald head, you can, too," but I think it was more of trying to keep a sense of normalcy about her life when it was in upheaval. One day when we were going to church, my mom decided to wear both her wig and a hat.

During the mass, my sister wanted to see the hat. It was the kind that had a wide brim and cloth attached that tied under the chin. My mom untied the cloth pieces and my sister pulled the hat off. The wig came with it! I don't know if you're familiar with Catholic masses, but at different points the people are either standing or sitting, or sometimes even kneeling. This happened to be a time when we were sitting, thank goodness.

My mom ducked like she was practicing the 5 D's of dodgeball and I quickly grabbed her head and kept it in my lap as I urgently whispered to my sister "Get the wig! Get the wig!" So shocked at the fact that she had pulled them both off my mom's head, she couldn't figure out where the wig was, but then was able to find it in the hat and we put it back on my mom's head.

Like I said, not entirely funny at the time, but we did laugh about it that same day and continue to laugh about it to this day. My mom told me after church that she admired my quick thinking. I was glad that I could help her, even if it was just in a small way by shielding her bare head. Several people told me today that my mom would appreciate my making the teal jewelry in her honor. I'd like to think so, too, and I cherish the times I did things she appreciated while she was alive as well.

All pieces pictured on blog posts dated on or after June 23, 2012 are available for order. Every piece is hand-crafted and no two pieces are exactly the same. Custom orders are accepted. Prices are negotiable--50% of the proceeds is used to buy more beading materials and 50% is donated to an ovarian cancer organization. Email me at for order requests! RIP Rita Ann 7/1/2001

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Is it September already?!

I was so excited yesterday when September arrived. So excited, in fact, that I forgot that "Wear Teal Day" is actually the first Friday of September and not the first of September. Oops. So, I wore teal for the heck of it, it seems. I'm ok with that.

I decided this blog post will not be about pictures of my jewelry or information about the events I'm doing this month (because I'm sure there will be plenty of other opportunities to talk about those). This blog will be about remembering my mom as it relates to ovarian cancer awareness.

I guess the best place to start would be at the beginning. One day in October (or was it November...I'm not quite sure. I didn't realize at the time I would need to remember), my parents sat me (15 years old), my brother (13 years old) and my sister (10 years old) down and told us that my mother had cancer. I don't remember being shocked, but I'm sure that I was. I don't remember what questions I asked, but I'm sure that I did. What I do remember is that I had an anatomy test the next day.

These anatomy tests consisted of memorizing key words in the pages and pages of notes that became the tests with blanks where the key words went. There was no room for error, and there was certainly no room for distraction. Try as I might, I apparently did not hide my distraction well, as the teacher called me up after class to ask what was wrong. Tearfully, I said my mother had told us she had cancer. He comfortingly told me I could have taken the test another day. But, that was not how my mother raised me.

My mother raised a self-sufficient and independent woman, one who would rather take a lower grade that she earned than be given extra studying time out of pity. While I lost that woman a little after my mother passed, during the three years I leaned heavily on my ex-husband just to survive through the pain I suppressed, I slowly found her again. Maybe not as independent or as self-sufficient...I'm working on being ok asking for help...but I strive every day to be a woman she would be proud of.

Now, here I am, older than my mother was when she had me, wiser than the teenager I was when she died and happier with my life than the three years I spent just trying to survive and the years after that where I had to find myself again. It's taken a long time to recover from the loss of my mother eleven years ago. I read a quote recently, and I apologize that I don't have the source, but it said "You don't ever get over losing a parent. You just get used to it." I will never fully recover from it. I can only do what I can to make it easier, like doing my teal jewelry or participating in the ovarian cancer events.

I'm ready to be a parent myself, and to pass along many of the same principles and values my mother and father gave me. I will try to help my children be people she would be proud of, and to keep her memory alive. I will tell them about their amazing grandmother, and how she battled against cancer for four years, all for her family. If that's not ovarian cancer awareness, I don't know what is.

P.S. Remind me to write about the hat in church and the retreat closing.

All pieces pictured on blog posts dated on or after June 23, 2012 are available for order. Every piece is hand-crafted and no two pieces are exactly the same. Custom orders are accepted. Prices are negotiable--50% of the proceeds is used to buy more beading materials and 50% is donated to an ovarian cancer organization. Email me at for order requests! RIP Rita Ann 7/1/2001

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Hello Teal World!

I'm back!! Did you miss me? :)

Wow, it's that time again, isn't it? Well, just because I haven't posted doesn't mean I haven't been doing anything--on the contrary! I've been pretty busy. I hope I can remember everything.

1. I got a hold of the local ovarian cancer organization about helping with their Run/Walk. Luckily, it doesn't conflict with Indy or Columbus, so I can do all three! What am I thinking? ;) Just kidding. I attended their latest meeting and I'm excited to become more involved in their group as much as I'm able.

2. I bought two jewelry holders on clearance that are super cute.

3. I ordered a car vinyl for the back window advertising my Teal4MyMom twitter and blog (so if you're visiting from the info on my awesome purple Fit, welcome!!) as well as a banner for my booths at the Run/Walks. I also got nifty little labels for my jewelry bags. Little by little, I'm making progress.

4. I added a pinboard on my Pinterest for Teal4MyMom. Check it out (search Janine Rigg) if you're inclined! I posted a pin to this blog, so if you're here from that, welcome to you, too!

5. There has to be a #5. I can't end at 4...hmmm.....oh, I know! My husband and I recently bought a house and before we moved our stuff in, we painted several rooms. Ben chose the color for one and I chose the color for the other. It's a nice dark teal.

All right, That's everything I've DONE, but there's still a lot TO DO.

1. I need to email Indy and Columbus to make sure they know I intend to vendor their events.

2. I just cataloged the jewelry I made, sold and had left over from last year.
a. Made--(goal was 125 total, 80 to be added to 45 left from 2009) 81, 126 total, not including pieces made at the events
b. Sold--(goal was at least 30 at each event, since I sold 29 in 2009) 59, so very close to my goal
c. Have left--93 separate pieces
d. Need--(anticipating selling around 30 at each event) 57, way better than the number I was faced with this time last year

3. Not only did I catalog, I also counted how many of each I would potentially need of each item based on the sales of the last two years. Bracelets are HUGELY popular. I have half of the needed pieces projected for bracelets. Most of the other items I'm pretty well set with the number I have, but it couldn't hurt to have a few more. I'm really happy with the position I'm in this year in terms of supply and demand.

4. My hope this year is to photograph each individual piece instead of doing group pictures. Then, I can post a "bracelet" or "earring" or "keychain" blog entry and just add the individual pics to their respective posts as the items are made. This will also help me keep track of the which pieces are available or not once they are sold, because at that point I can go in and remove that picture.

5. I'm entertaining the idea of doing a credit card swipe thing that would plug into the iPad (of if there's no wifi, seeing about using the husband's iPhone). Still tossing the thought around in my head.

Whew, that was a lot! If you made it through the whole thing and still have your sanity, congratulations. You win a free teal keychain or cell phone charm from my inventory. Seriously. Email me your home address (email found below in signature) by SEPTEMBER 30, 2012 with whether you prefer a keychain or cell phone charm and I'll snail mail it to you as a thank you for reading my novel of a blog entry.

Orders can be requested from pictures, but no guarantees are made that the piece will be available. All pieces are different. Custom orders accepted. Prices negotiable, 50% used to buy more beading materials and 50% donated to an ovarian cancer organization. Email me at for order requests! RIP Rita Ann 7/1/2001

Saturday, February 11, 2012

In memory

I've been thinking a lot about Mom recently, for various reasons: a friend mentions spending time with their mother, I think about Mom; someone on Facebook remembers a parent they've lost, I think about Mom; her birthday was last month, I think about Mom; Ben and I are going to try for a baby soon, I think about Mom; I receive a special piece of mail from the wife of a high school classmate with a teal ribbon pin, I think about Mom; I get a clean bill of ovarian health from the doctor and the same day hear my mom's favorite Christian song at work, I think about Mom. The list could go on, but it's already long enough...

I'd like to think that she'd be proud of me. I try. I never would have gotten into the teal jewelry/ovarian cancer awareness if it wasn't for her. It helps me honor her memory  to do what I know she would have done if she were here today. I would never wish losing a parent on anyone, but it has made me who I am today. The process getting here may not have been pretty or pleasant, but I believe I am stronger for it.

I am hoping to do at least two if not three run/walks this year as a vendor again. I might enlist some help, though, because doing the event by myself was hard last year, and I may be pregnant this time around (fingers crossed!). Besides the run/walks (9/9 in Columbus, Ohio, 9/15 in Cincinnati, Ohio and 9/29 in Indianapolis, Indiana), there are some cool things going on in Indiana and Ohio to check out. First, the *very first* Ovarian Cancer National Alliance Midwest Regional Conference is being held in Indianapolis on Saturday, March 10th. Registration is $50, deadline to register is March 2nd. Mom would have been so excited! Also, the OCAO is holding their 3rd annual Gala "On Wings of Hope" on April 14th.Tickets are $100 per person, or $100 for two tickets for young professionals under 35, or $250 for two and recognized on the OCAO website/event program. They go on sale February 1st. I hope to be able to attend!

Orders can be requested from pictures, but no guarantees are made that the piece will be available. All pieces are different. Custom orders accepted. Prices negotiable, 50% used to buy more beading materials and 50% donated to an ovarian cancer organization. Email me at for order requests! RIP Rita Ann 7/1/2001