Hi, everyone!
I know I haven't put new pictures up in a while. :( I have been giving myself some much-needed time off from beading. I anticipate I'll pick it back up again around Christmas. I usually get a couple commissions during that time and I tend to make several pieces while I have my tools out.
Recently I was approached by a coworker whose close friend had ovarian cancer and she wanted to see some of my pieces. She remembered from several years back that I made my jewelry. How cool!
Don't forget that even though I may not have new pieces to show off, you can still contact me if you see something you like in one of the older pictures. Or, better yet, have me make something especially for you (or a loved one)!
It whispers, so listen.
Orders can be requested from pictures, but no guarantees are made that the piece will be available. All pieces are different. Custom orders accepted. Prices negotiable, 50% used to buy more beading materials and 50% donated to an ovarian cancer organization. Email me at janinemkr@gmail.com for order requests! RIP Rita Ann 7/1/2001